~zhoupeng/SCUT.git - Gitblit


完整SSH框架实现图片剪裁(前后端) - 技术客栈

latest version has setImage function. // This button is visible when Jcrop has been destroyed // It performs the re-attachment and updates the UI $ ('#rehook,#enable'). hide (); initJcrop (); $ ('#unhook,.requiresjcrop'). show (); return false;}); $ ('#unhook'). click (function (e) {// Destroy Jcrop widget, restore original state: jcrop_api. destroy … // convert bytes into friendly format function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB']; if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i]; }; // check for selected crop region function checkForm() { if (parseInt($('#w').val())) return true; $('.error').html('Please select a crop region and then press … 2018-09-14 Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

Destroy jcrop

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今天给大家介绍一下一个web 中经常会用到的截图(如:头像等)工具:Jcrop项目结构:效果图:这个很有用:看到这些,大家也想自己试试吧===== 禁用 Jcrop。说明:已有选框不会被清除。 enable() 启用 Jcrop: destroy() 移除 Jcrop: tellSelect() 获取选框的值(实际尺寸)。例子:console.log(jcrop_api.tellSelect()) tellScaled() 获取选框的值(界面尺寸)。例子:console.log(jcrop_api.tellScaled()) getBounds() 获取图片实际尺寸,格式为 Jan 26, 2017 NET MVC; Entity Framework 6; Razor view engine; JCrop /*Destroy jcrop initialization other wise it will hold it previous image in img tag*/. Feb 15, 2017 Anywhere there is an element referenced in an asynchronous callback in a component, you should check if the component has been destroyed 

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2012-06-14 Javascript cropping engine. Jcrop. Home How can I destroy JCrop so I can replace te Image?

~zhoupeng/SCUT.git - Gitblit

Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

Destroy jcrop

setSelect animateTo Release Disable Re-Enable Destroy!
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Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 这里推荐大家使用第二种方式,将Jcrop生成的对象赋给一个全局变量,这样操作起来更灵活,如调用api.destroy();方法可以销毁 Jcorp,这样我们在实际使用中会更灵活一些,因为直接改变要裁剪图片的路径会导致Jcorp的出错,如果想要变更编辑的图片我们需要销毁Jcorp, 变更图片的属性后再次为图片附加 The second time jcrop is initialized, jcrop’s callback function isn’t called, regardless of whether we use settimeout to delay it or not. Thus far, I haven’t worked out why.

Konkrétně mám 2 file inputy a u obou je přiřazen tento JS. Potřeboval bych při vybrání obrázků pro oba inputy a následné výměně obrázku spustit api destroy jen pro konkrétní file input. 0 Jcrop + 캔버스 투명한 이미지 문제 잘라 내기; 2 크롬이 jcrop을 사용할 때 전체 크기로 이미지를 표시합니다. 0 jquery - "Cropper"로 이미지 자르기 - 캔버스에서; 0 J 자르기가 의도 한대로 이미지를 자르지 않습니다.
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jquery.Jcrop.min.js - OO Software AB

then you can get access to the api and destroy Jcrop via: JcropAPI = $('#imgThumbnailer').data('Jcrop'); JcropAPI.destroy(); It's probably too late for the asker but hopefully this is helpful to someone who stumbles upon this page from google! Jcrop Handle Destroy. Tag: jquery,jcrop.