European Journal of Sociology / Volume 54 / Issue 03 / December 2013, pp 485 - 497 DOI: 10.1017/S0003975613000295, Published online: 22 January 2014 Browse the list of issues and latest articles from European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY vo l 57 2 0 1 6 no 2 . EDITORS Jens BECKERT Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln Michel DUBOIS The European Journal for Sport and Society (ejss) is the official publication of the European Association for Sociology of Sport. Start Tidskrifter European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology Forskningsoutput. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 2325-4823. Tidskrift. The European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology is a peer-reviewed journal published under the auspices of the European Sociological Association.

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European Journal of Sociology 2020-07-06. The politics of monastic life: opportunities for exit and voice in a voluntary total institution. European Journal of Sociology 2020-03-30. This paper argues that conceptualizing Western state citizenship from the vantage point of advancing liberalism is insufficient.

In accordance with European Journal of Sociology's editorial policy, review content is not publicly displayed on Publons. Interested in reviewing for this journal? European Journal of Sociology / Archives européennes de sociologie est une revue généraliste de sociologie à vocation internationale.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. European Journal of Sociology / Volume 46 / Issue 01 / April 2005, pp 91 ­ 126 DOI: 10.1017/S0003975605000044, Published online: 09 September 2005 Link to this European Journal of Sociology 2012: Volume 53, Issue INDEX/CONTENTS. Digitized from IA1534417-07 . Previous issue: sim_archives-europ-ennes-de-sociologie_2011_52_3 . European Journal of Sociology's journal/conference profile on Publons, with several reviews by several reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output.

European journal of sociology

The category ‘Sociology’ comprises 150 journals.. The choice of journals is based on Web of Science 's SSCI (Social Science Citations Index).Note: • The column Rank refers to the ranking accorded to the journal by Web of Science based on the 2-year Journal Impact Factor 2019 (released in 2020).
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European Journal of Sociology is a peer reviewed journal published by AJPO. This journal encompasses subjects such as the social life, the changes associated with it and the human behavior’s consequences.